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         Our minds can’t comprehend the size of our universe; there are 200 trillion galaxies and 100 billion planets that we know about. We accept the thought that there is a god or gods who created us and our world. Based on probability, the chances that the human species is the only self-aware conscious extraterrestrials are very slim. Who is to say we are not aliens, the unknown and unstudied? The brain is capable of imagining so many wild and creative things, and for people to be skeptical of the existence of another civilization is baffling. Throughout the years of history, there have been several examples of extraterrestrial intervention. Ancient Egypt is the most studied and proven example of their existence. Aliens are real. 


    Scientists who have studied ancient Egypt and believe there are aliens involved focus on the 18th dynasty. Simply because this period holds most of the proof, they're looking for with this conspiracy theory.  To get a better understanding of these theories we need to start with Egypt’s past leaders. The year is 1349 BCE, and Akhenaten has just been crowned pharaoh of pre-monotheistic Egypt. He spent his early years engineering the great Karnak temple, home of Amun and Nubia.  These actions would set the tone of reigning dismantlement during his dynasty. The king's building projects sparked controversy and an assortment of cults. In every building constructed under his rule, he has Aton or Aten, the sun god, on the buildings. During this period Aton was seen as a falcon-headed man, Akhenaten changes his appearance as a disk with lights shining down. (Subject A) Thus, igniting the first spark in this conspiracy theory. Why would a young pharaoh completely change the image of a god unless he knew of something the Egyptians didn’t? Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti were believed to be completely self-absorbed, egotistic, and narcissistic. This theory can be proven numerous times as the pharaoh and his wife often had themselves engraved on temple walls with Aten “the sun god. His and his wife's marriage was of convenience. It was not based on love but only on power and common interest. They were referred to as ‘’The Divine Triad’’ in images recovered today you will see in these images the rulers have abnormal features, broadened hips, extended stomachs, and elongated skulls. Were they trying to compare themselves to their ‘’Gods’’ because they thought so highly of themselves, or the extraterrestrials seen in hieroglyphics? In his fifth year of reign, Akhenaten announced plans to create a new arena for the Aten, halfway between Cairo and Thebes. He named it Akhetaten (Horizon of the Aten). This new arena quickly grew into a metropolis on the east bank of the Nile River. Not only did this pharaoh relocate an established city but declared himself a god. I believe Akhenaten’s progressive choices were derived from his knowledge of the sky (subject B) paired with an already outstanding sense of egotism. You could say this leader was a stereotypical power-hungry male, that would act out in forms of complete chaos and change. Were his choices influenced by his foreign wife or his knowledge of extraterrestrials? For hundreds of years, the beliefs his people practiced were crippled in one swift rule. 

         Even though humanity has not made direct contact with extraterrestrials, there are too many instances in history that lead me to believe they are real. Nefertiti is the first subject of my alien conspiracy theories. She's an extraterrestrial. Historical facts state that her parents’ birthplace of origin is not recorded in history.  In paintings of Nefertiti seen in secret alters, you can observe their alien-like bodies, Elongated cone-shaped skulls, fuller hips, a protruding belly, and thinner facial features. There is a variety of pyramid-sourced texts showing Nefertiti and her husband leaving this earth and returning. Furthermore, proving they were not human. There’s even DNA evidence to back up the claim that these two controversial rulers were not of this planet. In recent years an assistant professor, Stuart Fleischmann, at the Swiss University in Cairo, conducted a genetic study. His finds proved that some pharaohs had genetic Manipulation. In this period no one knew or had the capabilities to be successful with this experiment. There were nine samples taken, one of the samples belonging to Akhenaten himself. All nine samples showed anomalies, more specifically Akhenaten’s sample showed substantially thicker bone tissue, which can be caused by increased brain development. This is the most substantial proof of my argument. Why would her husband be genetically mutated? Unless Nefertiti wanted her husband to be similar to her.

The second theory that directly ties to my first is the pyramids of Egypt. They were not constructed by humans; the evidence is unarguably compelling. The pyramids of Giza were built around 2500 B.C. There’s been speculation as to how this archetype was so meticulously built with no mistakes. The engineering and mathematics needed to build the pyramids are so advanced they’d be nearly impossible to duplicate even in today’s technological society. The angle of the great pyramid of Khufu is aligned to the cardinal points with an accuracy of one-fifteenth degree. Not only is this incredibly hard to achieve the pyramids are also directly aligned with the three major stars in Orion’s belt. (Subjects c & d) It is said the architects of the pharaoh's time achieved this by using two stars that circle the celestial polar point. However, that statement isn’t convincing. Even the late world-renowned physicist, Stephan Hawking, believed in this theory and the existence of extraterrestrials religiously. This isn’t the only historical landmark that’s believed to have aliens intervene in the construction. There's Stone Henge, The Aztec Pyramids, The burial chamber of China's first Emperor with flowing rivers of mercury, and The Sphinx.  All the sites listed have ulterior capabilities that were not humanly possible to utilize. 

A 4-billon-year-old rock floating in a universe of 100 billion galaxies and people still speculate on the existence of external life. From the dynasty of Akhenaten and his space originated wife to the construction of the historical sites. Extraterrestrials do exist and have been active in the earth's development. It’s been proven with blood samples, paintings, and many accredited scientists over the last century. In my opinion, everything I've researched further iterates my belief aliens are real. Within the next century, this mystery will be exposed and officially documented. 

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